2020/3 Cover

121ste JAARGANG (2020) Nr. 3


Marc Jacobs, Jorijn Neyrinck and Evdokia Tsakiridis, Safeguarding Intangible 241Cultural Heritage and Museums. A Crossing of Several Projects and TrajectoriesJorijn Neyrinck, Evdokia Tsakiridis en Marc Jacobs, Het borgen van 249

immaterieel cultureel erfgoed en musea. Een kruispunt van verschillende

projecten en trajecten

Evdokia Tsakiridis, Marc Jacobs and Jorijn Neyrinck, Safeguarding Intangible 255

Cultural Heritage and Museums. A Special Issue


Marc Jacobs, Words Matter… The Arsenal and the Repertoire: UNESCO, ICOM 267

and European Frameworks

Cécile Duvelle, Le patrimoine culturel immatériel a-t-il une place au musée? 287

Amereswar Galla, Discursive Crossings in Liminal Spaces 301

Janet Blake, Participation in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage 315

Viewed as a Human Rights Imperative

Marc Jacobs, On Levels, (Politics of) Scale, Cases and Networking 339

Hanna Schreiber, Squaring the Circle? In Search of the Characteristics 357

of the Relationship between Intangible Cultural Heritage, Museums,

Europe and the EU

Filomena Sousa, Is ‘Bottom-Up’ a Condescending Expression? Tales of 373

Indignation and Reflexivity

Marc Jacobs, Pourquoi? Why Museology and Museums Should – 381

more than ever – be Part of the Heritage Paradigm…

Florence Pizzorni Itié, Le PCI et les musées. Quand l’esprit vient à la matière 389

sous l’arbre à palabres

Tamara Nikolić –Derić, Intersections. Bridging the Tangible and Intangible 405

Cultural Heritage Practices

Sarah Kenderdine, Reenactment and Intangible Heritage. Strategies for 415

Embodiment and Transmission in Museums

Sophie Elpers, Past and Future Presencing in Museums. Four Cases of 429

Engaging with Intangible Heritage from the Netherlands

Sergio Servellón and Leen Van de Weghe, Avant-Garde & Status Quo. 443

The FeliXart Museum and its Paradoxical Legacy

Valentina Lapiccirella Zingari, Pietro Clemente and Tommaso Lussu, 455

Alessandra Broccolini and Claudio Gnessi, In Rural Villages and the Suburbs.

Italian Experiences with Museums and Ecomuseums

Andrzej Iwo Szoka, Szopka Krakowska. The Nativity Scene Tradition 469

and the Museum of Kraków

Marc Jacobs and Jorijn Neyrinck, Transforming, Not Saving. 481

Intangible Cultural Heritage, Museums and/or the World

Summary 503

Personalia 511
