2000/4 Summaries

  B. DE CREMER Volksgeneeskunde nu: een evaluatie van alternatieve geneeswijzen als volwaardige aanvulling of tegenhanger van reguliere geneeskunde Summary : In 1996-1997 the study group “Popular Medicine” of Leuven University, developed and distributed inquiry forms in order to investigate the medical consumption, based on 100 inquiry forms related to the village of Wilsele in Flemish Brabant, the author tries …

2000/3 Summaries

D. CALLEWAERT Overlijden en afscheid in het Brugse 1900-2000 Summary : In ‘Dying and Commemoratings in the Environs of Bruges 1900-2000‘ special attention is paid to one suburb because in Sint-Kruis several classed ended up on the same place, though in a different way. The local population has been buried on its churchyard(s) but the upper class of the city …

2000/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Private en openbare feesten: communicatie, educatie en omgaan met macht (Vlaanderen en Brabant, 16de, midden 19de eeuw) Summary : private and public festivities. Communication, education and coping with power (Flanders and Brabant, 16th till mid 19th cent) Festivities perform within an extensive communication process. Individuals and groups are given the possibility to pass on all sorts of information. …

2000/1 Summaries

J. GANSEMANS, Frans Olbrechts – Een hart en een visie voor Tervuren Summary : Frans Olbrechts. A renewing role in the Tervuren museum From 1947 until his death in 1958 Olbrechts also held the directorship of the Museum van Belgisch Congo (Belgian Congo Museum) in Tervuren. Dr. Gansemans dwells upon his inspiring and renewing role in the Tervuren museum. . …