2000/2 Summaries

Private en openbare feesten: communicatie, educatie en omgaan met macht (Vlaanderen en Brabant, 16de, midden 19de eeuw)

Summary : private and public festivities. Communication, education and coping with power (Flanders and Brabant, 16th till mid 19th cent)
Festivities perform within an extensive communication process. Individuals and groups are given the possibility to pass on all sorts of information. They specify opinions, feelings, and standards. A functional analysis of festivities consequently leads to an understanding of the developmental vitality of society.
In this article we focus on the essential functions which festivities fulfilled for the organizers, the participants, the general public, and society in pre-industrial times.
We successively consider : 1) family festivities, 2) group festivities not based on a family relationship, 3) festive events organized by the clerical and secular authorities. For each category we will take a close look at the organizers, the participants, and the repertory of proceedings. Special attention is devoted to the divergent meanings given to these festivities by the persons concerned.



Afbakening en eenheid onder de Limburgse narrenkap. Over de functie en beleving van het Limburgse carnaval in de naoorlogse samenleving

Summary : Carnival in Dutch Limburg. This article deals with the function and significance of  Post-war carnival in Dutch Limburg
After a short historical survey of studies of  Carnival, the function and meaning of the festivities is given full consideration to, from two different perspectives i.e. carnival as a marker of a regional identity and the
significance of carnival for the participants. The post-war development of carnival as festivities exclusively celebrated in the southern, Roman-Catholic provinces Limburg and North Brabant to a feast celebrated in the whole Kingdom of the Netherlands from the 1960s onwards, has marked the image of carnival in Limburg. Until the rise of the so-called ‘Holland’ version of festivities celebrated in Limburg carnival has been frequently interpreted as typical Limburg festivities since the sixties.
