A. ROECK, Prof. dr. K.C. Peeters Summary: Prof. dr. K.C. Peeters In this article, A. Roeck explains how he became K.C. Peeters’ first student to write, under his guidance, the dissertation that led to his Master’s Degree. The subject was the collection and study of oral legends. Peeters insisted on using new working-methods. After his graduation K.C. Peeters asked Roeck …
2003/3 Summaries
M.M.A.C. LANGENHUIJSEN Votiefgeschenken: epidemiologie avant la lettre Summery: Votive offerings: epidemiology before the term existed Based on a study of literature concerned and on observations of the authorhimself, data have been gathered of 55,327 votive offerings representing parts of the body and human images. All these were or still are present in places off pilgrimage in America and Europe and …
2003/2 Summaries
A. VAN DER ZEIJDEN Volkscultuur in een nieuwe jas Summary: Popular culture gets a face-lift The collection “Alledaags is niet gewoon. Reflecties over volkscultuur en samenleven” (Plain things are uncommon. Reflections on popular culture and society) brought out in 2002 and edited by the “Koning Boudewijnstichting” (Foundation King Boudewijn) gives a good view on current trends of popular culture pursuing …
2003/1 Summaries
A.K.L. THIJS Toe-eigening van volkskundige verschijnselen: enkele voorbeelden uit de historiografie van de volkskunde in Vlaanderen (circa 1880-1930) Summary: “Appropriation” and its usefulness in folklore In this contribution the author checks the usefulness of the concept “appropriation” (in Dutch: toe-eigening) as defined by Frijhoff in 1997. Appropriation is the attribution of a meaning (personal and group-linked interpretation) to cultural phenomena …