A.K.L. THIJS Een lied in zijn functionele context herplaatst: “De dood te gast genood” Summary: A song replaced in its functional context A West-Flemish manuscript dated around 1757 holds a version of the popular song about a dead who’s invited to a feast (Aarne – Thompson 470 A: The Offended Skull). The composition of the volume (religious songs, prayers and …
2005/3 Summaries
D. BILTEREYST en R. VANDE WINKEL De sportfilms van Flandria Film als verspreiders van ‘banaal’ Vlaams-Nationalisme en wielerflamingantisme (1930-1940) Summary: “Flandriens“, film and popular culture ‘Flandriens’ is the French name for the best of Flemish cyclists. The sports films of Flandria Films aim at the dissemination of ’trite’ Flemish nationalism and cycle flamingantism (1930-1940). In this article we focus on …
2005/1-2 Summaries
G. DE MEYER De studie van populaire cultuur en van volkscultuur Summary: The study popular culture and folk culture In this article we outline the traditional position, however under discussion, of the study matter of folklore and popular culture. It is arguable that in both fields of study quite often the same discourse is being used, namely as far as …