2007/4 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Drukvormen voor mannekensbladen van Brepols & Dierckx Zoon (Turnhou): Een gebruikstraject van volkscultureel erfgoed gereconstrueerd Summary: Printing forms for folk- and children prints by Brepols & Dierckx Son (Turnhout): A reconstruction of the multi-purpose of popular culture heritage The story of the wooden printing forms that the popular expert Emile van Heurck bought from the rinting-publishing house Brepols …

2007/3 Summaries

D. CALLEWAERT Het boze oog Summary: The Evil Eye From times immemorial many people from all over the world have been convinced that a special, (un)intentional, frontal eye contact of a person or animal can harm people, live stock, goods and chattels. This belief has remained intact because of news items, stories for young and old, computer games and comics, …

2007/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Lyn de melkboerin en de Brabantse omwenteling (1789). Context en bron van een Antwerps Liedfragment Summary: Lyn the Milk farmer’s wife and the Brabant Revolution (1789). Context and source of an Antwerp song fragment In 1860, an orally handed down song fragment was published in which Lyn the Milk farmer’s wife ‘a bronze statue that adorned a pump …

2007/1 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Naar een tweetalig volkskundig tijdschrift? Emile van Heurck (1871-1931) en de heroprichting van Volkskunde na de eerste wereldoorlog Summary: On to a popular bilingual magazine? Emile Van Heurck (1871-1931) and the re-establishment of Volkskunde after WO I. In 1919, Eugène de Bock of the publishing house De Sikkel tried to start again with the magazine Volkskunde (of which …