2021/3 Summaries

Marc Jacobs & Sophie Elpers Historian. Old-school researcher and cultural brokerThe legacy of dr. Albert van der Zeijden (1957-2021)At the sad occasion of the passing away of Albert van der Zeijden (member of the editorial board of Volkskunde), the life’s work of this scholar is presented and characterized. On the one hand, he presented himself as an academically trained historian. …

2021/ 1 Summaries

ERIK AERTS Beer Ousts Wine Thanks to Hops? Battle for Priority as a People’s Drink in Brabant and Flanders 800-1500 In past centuries, beer and wine were the most popular alcoholic beverages, also in Northwestern Europe. Beer was the common daily drink in regions without a domestic viticulture and wine did not yet have the elitist character of the later, …