2004/3 Summaries


Een venster op de materiële leefwereld van Elisabeth Moretus

Summary: A view on the material culture of Elisabeth Moretus
Based upon an inventory the material culture in the house ‘De Grote Lynde’ is explained and explored. The description is complemented by a housekeeping journal written by the occupant, Elisabeth Moretus in the years 1664-1675.
Both documents evoke a complementary image of the sumptuous propriety against which this 17th century Antwerp widow led her life.



Transgressiviteit in rituelen van Vlaamse Wicca’s

Summary: Transgressivity realized within rituals of the Flemish Wiccans
Today, we witness a growing need for a personal religion. Traditional religion is considered as ignoring both the physical and spiritual realities. A response to that is modern witchcraft, known as Wiccas. The purpose of this article is to investigate transgressivity realized within rituals of the Flemish Wiccans, the modern witches living in the northern part of Belgium. First, I give an overview of Flemish modern witches, how they can be recognized/we recognize them and how their sociality is internally organized. Secondly, based on interviews and participant observation of two rituals, ‘celebration of male and female in everything’ and a ‘wiccaning’, I analyse these according to Victor Turner’s theory of ritual as a three-staged drama. The liminal character as well as the liminoid character of these stagings are explored.
