2002/3 Summaries


Zakelijke inhoud van het persoonlijke dossier van Max Elskamp betreffende het Antwerpse “Museum voor Foklore”, het allereerste volkskundemuseum in Vlaanderen (1907)

Summary : Looking into Max Elskamp’s private letters and documents concerning the Antwerp “Museum voor  Folklore”, the very first museum of foklore in Flanders (1907)
In 2001 the “Vrienden van het Volkskundemuseum van Antwerpen” (Friends of the Museum of Folklore of Antwerp) acquired, on the advice of the late Mrs. Patricia Vansummeren, letters and documents once belonging to the French speaking poet and folklorist Max Elskamp.
The collection deals, amongst others, with the establishment of the very first Flemish Museum of Folklore in Antwerp, inaugurated in 1907. In this collection we find a quite elaborate note by Victor de Meyere in which he puts forward his perception on the planned Museum of Folklore. The museum should in no case be a local Antwerp museum for the benefit of the conceited Antwerp citizens, nicknamed “sinjoren” (“sinjoren” are citizens with excessive pride in themselves), but a scientifically justified and culturally inspiring museum for the whole of Flanders. Among the administrative records there is a letter, dated 31 October 1904, in which the municipality engages itself to make sure that the collection, as well as all later acquisitions, should remain an indivisible whole, and that no single object should be removed to house it in any other premises not beloning to the museum. Maybe Patricia, by advising to acquire these documents, had the intention  to give a final sign and let know to all people concerned how she kept dreaming of the future of that museum of “hers”.



Spreekwoorden op een onbekend Hainhofer Speelbord uit de 17e eeuw
Summary : Proverbs on a hitherto unknown 17th century Hainhofer chessboard
In this article the author deals with the outcome of an investigation into the meaning of the pictures on the white squares  of an hitherto unknown chessboard. This chessboard is assumed having been a part of a piece of art furniture, manufactured in Augsburg around 1620-1630 and traded by Philip Hainhofer. The pictures represent German proverbs and sayings, most of them having similar equivalents, which in the Dutch speaking regions can be dated in the 16th and in the beginning of the 17th century.



Fragment van een nieuw volksgeneeskundig manuscript (15de E.)

Summary : Fragment of a new manuscript of popular medicine (15th C.)
A hitherto unknown MS. in Middle Dutch from the Brussels Town Archives is here drawn attention to, described, analysed and partly edited. This MS. on vellum has come down to us in a deplorable state of preservation. It still numbers twenty leaves, only a small part of its original size. In its contents two parts can be distinguished:
a) ointments, plasters and other recipes (fol. 1-13v) : this part is here edited; b) a treatise on phlebotomy (fol. 14r-20v), not edited here since known from many other sources.
